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Host Your Fundraiser With Us…

and receive 15% back to your organization. 

It's as easy as 1, 2, 3...

1. Book a Date
Choose which location you want to host your fundraiser.

Request a date for your group using the contact us link below. We host fundraisers on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
2. Spread the Word
We'll provide you with a flyer that includes a special promo code. Use your marketing channels to get the word out. Some marketing ideas include:
  • Social media
  • Email
  • Communication board
  • Newsletter
  • Flyer hand-outs
Begin collecting RSVPs.
3. Dine & Raise
Eat in-restaurant or order online using the special code for your fundraiser.

We donate 15% of the sales you bring in back to your organization.

Contact Us

Eat. Connect. Give.

Are you raising funds for your PTA, school band, nonprofit or library? Give back to your organization* by hosting a fundraiser with us and we'll donate 15% of the sales you generate back to the cause! 

Click above for more information and to get in contact with your local GM.

*Organizations must be a registered 501(c)3 to participate. W9 paperwork is required prior to the start of the fundraising event.